trbo-fast through April – Kai Schneider joins our account management team


After recently introducing Lucia Gistl, we are happy to announce another new trbo employee! From now on Kai Schneider supports us as an account manager.


Early on, Kai stepped into his father’s footsteps and started his own business as a web developer in the area of websites and online marketing – while he was still at school. After graduating from school, the 27-year-old then studied technology and management-oriented business administration with a focus on computer science at the Technical University of Munich.


During his studies, Kai volunteered as a paramedic for the Bavarian Red Cross (BRK) for several years – in addition to his work as a website developer – where he learned to remain calm even in stressful situations, especially when working at the Oktoberfest. He was also a member of the MTP – Marketing zwischen Theorie und Praxis e.V. (german for “Marketing between Theory and Practice”), where he regularly attended training courses to learn more about a wide variety of marketing topics. There he was able to demonstrate his skills and help a customer with the introduction of an app. After graduating, Kai decided to end his self-employment for the time being. He simply lacked contact with colleagues and a larger team. Starting at trbo was the perfect solution – he can fully put his skills to use to support our customers and also gets a bunch of great colleagues.


Born in Munich, Kai describes himself as a binge watcher and technology freak. Thus, Kai has transformed his home into a smart home and always looks forward to acquiring new technology. He likes to spend his free time together with his friends in front of the PC or Xbox. His most played game is League of Legends – rumor has it he already has over 50 days of game time on the clock.  But he also enjoys spending evenings playing board games with family and friends. To unwind, the 27-year-old likes to listen to music, preferably smooth jazz, lofi or house. Despite being born in winter, he’s a real summer person – he loves to soak up the sun at the Isar river.


We are happy to have found a tech-savvy support for our account management in Kai. Welcome to trbo, Kai!


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