This Case Study shows how to increase conversion value by 78.52%

Blogbild Case Study Hagebau

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The trading company for building materials Hagebau was founded in 1964 and is an association of around 350 medium-sized wholesalers and retailers in the areas of building materials, wood, tiles and garden. In addition to more than 1500 locations in seven countries, Hagebau also operates the online store


In order to offer customers a perfect shopping experience online as well, it is necessary to tailor the online store precisely to the customer’s needs.


Conversion value increased by 78.52%


Learn in our case study how to find out user preferences with the help of skilfully applied testing. How does the conversion value change, especially with mobile users? And what measures did Hagebau take to increase the conversion rate by 25%? 


With trbo, many other actions can be implemented that can demonstrably increase the performance of a website and lead to long-term success.


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