Tag: Customer Experience

Personalization in Banking
The Everyday Impact of Customer Experience: Banking
Learn how to use personalization in banking to improve the customer experience and customer service on...
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Customer Journey Travel
The Everyday Impact of Customer Experience: Travel Industry
Discover how the travel industry can improve consumers' daily lives by seamlessly integrating technology...
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A-B Test
The ABC of Testing: Everything You Need to Know About A/B Testing
Ever thought about an A/B test? Read here how you can benefit from it!
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Illustration Spielzeugindustrie
Personalization in toys industry
You're selling toys and want to benefit from happy customers and more sales? Here are a few tips.
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Conversational Commerce and Personalization teamed up
Conversational Commerce and Personalization teamed up – the future of e-commerce?
Why conversational commerce and personalization should be an unbeatable combination.
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The Everyday Impact of Customer Experience: Cosmetics and Beauty
Discover how the cosmetics and beauty industry can improve consumers' daily lives.
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Customer Experience Impcact in Electronic Industry
The Everyday Impact of Customer Experience: Electronics
Explore through the eyes of a customer how guided selling features can make the difference.
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Prime Day Power: 5 Tips to personalize your shop like Amazon
Do you know how to improve the personalization on your website? Let's see how Amazon does it!
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Expert Talk Fabian Bologna Valantic CX
Expert Talk: “Customer Experience” needs a discovery mentality
We are starting a new round of the “Expert Talk” series on our blog. Here, we let experts...
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Expert Talk Fabian Bologna Valantic CX
Expert Talk: „Customer Experience“ braucht eine Entdecker-Mentalität
Wir starten in eine neue Runde der „Expert Talk“-Reihe auf unserem Blog. Hier lassen wir Experten aus...
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Titelbild Moonova trbo und Findologic Masterclass
Save the Date: Masterclass von trbo und Findologic auf der MOONOVA 2022
Wir starten erneut in ein spannendes neues Jahr voller Events. Die erste Station machen wir digital:...
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Beitragsbild OMKB Summer Edition
Jetzt wird's richtig sommerlich - trbo bei der OMKB Summer Edition
Nach der Digital Fashion Week geht unser Event-Sommer in die nächste Runde. Ferien? Nicht für uns, wir...
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