25.8% conversion rate uplift – Our new case study with Telefónica

In order to always provide your customers with the best service, you have to continuously adjust and optimize your website. Online purchases depend strongly on the individual user experience of each customer. Therefore, it is important to provide your customers with a website that is both pleasant and, above all, simple to use.   Our […]

Time for Product Insights: Das trbo Segmentreporting

  Wir machen weiter mit unserer Blog-Serie zu unseren trbo-Features. Zuletzt ging es um das Thema Funnelreporting. Heute geht es um die Möglichkeit des Segmentreportings. Ihr möchtet mehr über die von Euch genutzten Segmente und ihre Wirkung in Kampagnen erfahren? Dann solltet Ihr das trbo Segmentreporting nutzen. Dieses erklären wir Euch im heutigen Blogbeitrag! Segmentierung […]

Time for Product Insights: trbo Segment Reporting

  We are continuing our blog series featuring our different trbo features. Our topic today: the segment reporting. Would you like to learn more about trbo-segments you’re using and their impact? If so, you should use the trbo segment reporting. We will explain everything you need to know in today’s blog post! Segmentation – What […]

Ich hab da mal ne Frage: Onsite Umfragen zur Optimierung und Kundenbindung nutzen

  Der Erfolg eines Unternehmens hängt von vielen Faktoren ab: Umsatz, Wachstum und Gewinn – aber vor allem von der Zufriedenheit der Kunden. Zufriedene Kunden werden sich immer wieder für den Shop entscheiden und diesen auch weiterempfehlen. Holt man sich das Feedback der Kunden ein, erfährt man nicht nur, wie wahrscheinlich eine Weiterempfehlung ist. Es […]

Five questions for… Karina

Who are the people behind trbo? In our new series our employees introduce themselves – and answer five questions about themselves and their work. Today with our account manager Karina Schneider. 1. How did you hear about trbo and when did you start working? Networking! After completing my Master’s degree in spring of 2019, I […]

Introducing our new whitepaper: Personalization in B2B

Onsite personalization is one of the most important topics in B2C eCommerce. The customer is king – and should always receive the best and perfectly tailored user experience. Marketers agree on that. But does this also apply to B2B shops? The quick answer: Yes, it does.   More and more companies are investing in improving […]

Five questions for… Anna Schuster

Who are the people behind trbo? In our new series our employees introduce themselves – and answer five questions about themselves and their work. Today with our Senior Marketing Manager Anna Schuster. 1. How did you hear about trbo and when did you start working? All you job seekers out there, let me tell you […]