
Gamification refers to the application of typical elements of a game beyond its playful context.


It is mainly used on websites or in apps, but it is not exclusively limited to these. The focus is mostly on interactivity. The goal is to give users a short-term sense of achievement, to motivate them and to increase customer loyalty. This does not only refer to obvious mini-games, such as a memory or an Easter egg hunt.


The collection of stamps and bonus points is also a form of gamification. If the virtual stamp card is full, the user or customer is rewarded with a gift.


One of the most successful examples of gamification can be found in social networks. Through the possibilities to give up- and downvotes and to share content, users are stimulated to interact and their engagement rate is increased.


Even learning apps use game-like elements. Intermediate goals, trophies and progress bars keep users in line. The principle of the progress bar can also be applied, for example, to the ordering process in an e-commerce shop. Here, the order completion rate increases when potential customers see which step they are currently at.

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