Dynamic segments

Dynamic segmentation is a special form of Segmentierung in online-marketing. In contrast to the static segmentation of users, the division of users into different groups is carried out dynamically and in real-time.


A static segment could consist of users who have viewed a certain category (e.g. women’s fashion) three times. On this basis, the user could be provided with targeted advertising and targeted measures for the category in question over a period of time X. This would allow the user to be able to see the results of the advertising campaign in a specific category.


Dynamic segmentation, on the other hand, observes the behavior and interest of the user in real-time and provides information on which categories and brands a user is interested in. Since this is a dynamic process, the interest and its intensity can change and adapt in the course of a session. A user can move from one segment to the other with just one click. Depending on their importance for the user, dynamic segments receive a timestamp for their sequence. The more the user is interested in a particular brand, the longer he stays in a segment. If the user’s focus changes while browsing and, for example, if he is interested in another brand, the previous interest characteristic is overwritten. Dynamic segments can be reduced again after a certain time and the user is not bound to a brand etc. when he returns to the site. The length of time a user stays in a segment can be defined with so-called “interest touchpoints“. Manual adjustments also have an impact on the initial setup of dynamic segments. Depending on the shop or industry, users have different purchase or interest cycles. The duration of how long a user should be bound in a dynamic segment also depends on these cycles – this can vary from a few minutes to several months.


Dynamic segments are often used for the individual exchange of teaser areas in the shop. This way, a user with a certain brand interest can be presented with an offer teaser corresponding to this interest.


On this basis, entire teaser areas can be exchanged on the website, targeted products or even special landing pages (e.g. category or brand-related) can be advertised.

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